iPad was launched and orchestrated as a real event. The CEO of Apple presented as an emcee, the product as a star ("star stratégie", would have said Séguéla!). Domesticated media buzzed the good news worldwide: a new media was born! Then Joe Public started using it and giving their impressions. The actual test started on a real scale when hundreds of thousands of users began playing with it. Problems appeared (with the Wi-fi, etc.). And Apple will learn, improvement will probably come, along with new versions of the software, etc.
In order to appreciate the actual work and success of Apple's iPad launch, just look at what happened to one of its still modest competitors. The WePad was launched by Neofonie in Berlin April 12. The show was a failure ("PR-Flop des Jahres", according to Handelsblatt): nothing worked. They are going to try again on April 26. 16,000 fans Facebook will be waiting with great expectations!
Les boursiers scolaires au XIXéme siècle en France
Jean Le Bihan, *Bourses et boursiers de l'enseignement secondaire en
France. 1802-1914*, Paris, puf, 2024, 493 p. Bibliogr.
C'est le début d'une "vérita...
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