jeudi 17 mai 2012

Facebook, services for advertisers?

Two car companies advertised in the same media environment during the same period of time. Advertising with Facebook? Ford says "Yes" ; General Motors says "No". Why? We have to go from stating to explaining. Obviously, GM made mistakes when using Facebook (in July 2012, the CMO win charge at that time, resigned!). Where are the mistakes? In strategy, creative work, planning, buying, timing, analytics? Who knows? GM should.

Facebook is not that simple. Targeting can be very subtle and precise. There are many kinds of advertising products (sponsored stories, display, brand pages, apps, etc.) that should be mixed, integrated and optimized. Like in no other advertising outlet.

When it comes to using television or magazines, marketing people rely on full history of cases, analytics, benchmarks, textbooks, research. They count on the experience of media agencies.
On the other hand, we have not yet accumulated the same capital of experience with Facebook (and other social media). We face a new learning curve: we will have to experiment, test, grasp new metrics. Learn by doing. For instance, GRP is a concept shared by all media specialists ; on the contrary, "engagement", "like", "friend" or "influence" are new concepts, not easy to deal with.
Xerox, for instance, has allocated a budget to learning through experimenting and monitoring (trial and error). Meanwhile, Nutella (Ferrero) used MMM (Marketing Mix Modeling) to understand and compare. They proved that, given their objectives, Facebook is more effective than TV (in Germany, for CPG ; cf. "Nutella sagt: Facebook performt besser als TV-Werbung"). We could also mention Walmart, which put all its American stores on Facebook, in 2011, with a personalized app (Walmart, média total du jour le plus long).

Matt Vandyke, Ford’s director of marketing communications, clearly summarizes the situation: “You won’t make the right choices if you view Facebook as an advertising network. You can’t just pick up advertising that would run somewhere else and put it on Facebook as an ad banner.” (in Forbes (May 15, 2012).

Facebook is still young, it is different from traditional media. The differences have been largely underestimated. Is Facebook only a media? Probably not. Mark Zuckerberg prefers to talk about "services". 

N.B. A recent survey by Greenlight, mentioned in the press, states that "44% of respondents never click on advertisesments or sponsored listings in Facebook" (in fact, it is only 38% since we understand that people who do not use Facebook do not click on ads!).
Total number of people surveyed is 500 for the entire world (among them 435 use Facebook): probably 109 persons in the USA! 13 persons for Asia...

CPG : Consumer Packaged Goods
MMM : Marketing Mix Modeling (Market mix modeling is used to determine the contribution to sales of media used in an advertising campaign. Multivariate regressions).

12 commentaires: a dit…

Die Ankündigung von General Motors sich aus dem Facebook zurückzuziehen und nur noch die offizielle Fan-Page behalten will, erstaunt mich nicht.
Meiner Meinung nach werden die Werbemöglichkeiten auf Facebook noch nicht richtig genutzt. Ich persönlich gehöre zu den Personen die nie auf eine Werbung klicken, ich denke, dass ich die Werbebanner nicht einmal bewusst wahrnehme!
Meiner Meinung nach, braucht es noch weitere Erforschungen und Studien, die aufzeigen, was einen User auf Facebook überhaupt interessiert, welche Funktionen er nutzt, für welche Zwecke braucht er Fb usw.
Werbung auf Facebook muss subtiler sein, um Interesse zu wecken!

Jonas Wechsler (fribourg) a dit…

I think Facebook has a great potential for advertising. Last Summer I had the chance to get to know Facebook ads a little better. During a three month internship in marketing for a bespoke suit company in zürich, I also had the pleasure to designe some ads and a media plan for facebook. Facebook offers a great toolset to narrow down your target group by specifing age, gender, but also location and interest and so on. Everything Facebook users are saying about themselfs can be used as a parameter. At the end we had a target group of about only 1000 people that would get to see my add.
However the adds I was putting up were not very successfull at all! The clickthrough rate was around 0.05 percent. Meanwhile Google adwords was ways more effective and also cheaper. People who were actually looking for a suit in zürich were seeing our advertisment first. When asked how they found out about our store, they were often saying that they googled for it. While in facebook you are making adds for people that probably aren't even looking for a suit, on google you can reach people that are more likely to turn out to be customers: as they are actively looking for your product.

I am not saying that facebook adds are useless but I think it is a media/or service that needs its very own strategy and not lots of people do know yet how to use it properly.

Another point I want to mention is the following. I think lots of more sophisticated internet users are not seeing the adds online at all! This is due to technical add-ons one can install on their webbrowser which block the adds. Have a look at this poll. 60% say that they are using addblocker on every page, while about 90% are using adblockers on some websites. I think people will get more and more disrupted by advertisment in their daily life and they will come up with measures to avoid this.

Are you gusy using adblockers?

Carmela UniFr a dit…

I agree with Vandyke in saying that regular advertising and marketing tactics cannot be applied to FB the same way they would be applied to other media. However, despite the fact that 38% of FB users do not click on ads being shown, I think that the ads still have an effect on FB users, however slight it may be. I think that our eyes are drawn to the banners and ads surrounding our main activity, and even if we don't click the first time, there is the possibility that the images and/or text will make an impression on us and we will recognize the brands later on and elsewhere.

Miguelito #6 a dit…

Facebook n'a pas fini de démontrer ses possibilités en matière de publicité comme le dit Mara. Malgré une entrée en bourse désastreuse (trop grand besoin de capital pour quel projet ?), la plate-forme Facebook va devoir innover en terme de marketing pour intéresser à la fois les annonceurs sans perdre ses utilisateurs. Il est important de ne pas saturer l'écran avec des bannières et autre slides publicitaires même si le monopole de Facebook en matière de réseau social le protège (pour le moment ?).

Je pense que Facebook va de plus en plus se diriger vers les advergames. Ces jeux publicitaires peuvent attirer l'attention de l'utilisateur sans pour autant l'ennuyer. De plus un advergame permet de retenir le joueur plusieurs minutes et l'interactivité de l'expérience permet d'augmenter l'image d'une marque. Le joueur ne subit pas la publicité mais y contribue. Sachant que Facebook offre déjà plusieurs jeux sociaux gratuits sur sa plate-forme, les advergames sont plus qu'une simple alternative de publicité pour Facebook et pour ses annonceurs.

Johanne Cantin Fribourg a dit…
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Johanne Cantin Fribourg a dit…

Critiquer ce dont on ne connaît ou maîtrise pas (ou mal) est toujours facile mais a parfois de lourdes conséquences. Tel est le cas de la déclaration de General Motor (GM) à quelques jours de l’entrée en bourse de Facebook en annonçant la cessation de ses investissements publicitaires sur le réseau social. Facebook saura-t-il se retourner ? Je pense que la réponse à cette question est : Bien sûr, mais il faut innover.

J’aimerais revenir sur la déclaration très intéressante de Mara concernant les publicités sur les réseaux sociaux. Elle affirme que, d’une part, elle ne clique jamais sur les publicités et que, d’autre part, elle ne les prend pas en considération. Je pense qu’il est important de distinguer plusieurs éléments. Tout d’abord, la bannière publicitaire doit viser un des trois objectifs suivant : augmenter la notoriété, augmenter la fidélité des clients ou convertir des ventes (Webit Communication). Dès lors, si l’internaute ne clique pas sur la publicité ou banner, cela ne veut pas dire que l’objectif de l’entreprise n’est pas atteint. De plus, le seul fait de voir l’image d’un produit, d’une marque ou encore d’un logo facilitera sa reconnaissance sur le lieu de vente et suscitera le désir d’achat. Dans ce sens, nous pouvons dire que la publicité agit sur notre inconscient.

L’objectif d’innovation de Facebook dans ce domaine est de proposer aux professionnels des mesures d’efficacité et d’impact sur leur message publicitaire. Et qui sait, GM retentera peut-être l’expérience.

Jérôme Soulard a dit…

Facebook, en matière de publicité, et effectivement confronté au problème du manque d'informations qu'on les annonceurs concernant leur retour sur investissement.

La firme de Zuckerberg a déjà pris plus ou moins le problème en main, en proposant aux annonceurs tout une batterie de statistiques permettant d'analyser plus facilement leur cible.

Je pense que la solution à ce défi pour Facebook passe avant tout par la confiance: Facebook doit récréer pour les annonceurs les outils dont ils disposent pour mesurer l'impact de leur publicité sur les autres médias. Lorsqu'ils auront moins l'impression d'avancer à tâtons, les annonceurs n'hésiteront plus à passer par Facebook pour promouvoir leur marque.

Unknown a dit…

Pas de réseaux sociaux de qualité et gratuits sans la pub des annonceurs. Et pas de pub d’annonceurs sans efficacité marketing ni rentabilité. La recette du succès est de réussir à concilier les deux ! Ne pas saturer les internautes tout en laissant aux marques l’opportunité de toucher leurs prospects

Arslan Unifr

Unknown a dit…

io credo che i social network diventeranno il primo stumento di promozione, e facebbok rappresenterà il primo di questi.
facebook da la possibilità di avere un targeting preciso nel momento in cui si vuole porre in essere una campagna pubblicitaria, tramite facebook si poà avere una chiara situazione del "prima" "durante e "dopo" della campagna, con la possibilità di modificare in tempo reale, e adattare al consumatore il messaggio pubblicitario.
Thanks to facebook we have a high degree of customization through a standardized service! this is the "SOCIAL"revolution!

Patrizia Lamprecht a dit…

On one side i think Facebook offers great opportunities for advertising because of the trageting possibilites : In their Facebook profils, people reveal their interests, age, location etc. With these information, marketer can make customized ads and send them to the right target group. But on the other hand, most of the people use Facebook for fun / in their freetime to connect with friends. The main prurpose is not buying something or looking for new products. If people want to buy some products, they rather google it. So I think that Google Adwords is a way better possibility for advertising because people are in another buying context, they are already interested in finding information. But for sure, if one company starts with Facebook ads, others have to follow : « Ich weiss, die Hälfte meiner Werbung ist herausgeworfenes Geld, ich weiss nur nicht, welche Hälfte. » (Henry Ford).

Kim a dit…

It's interesting to see how many companies have pages on Facebook without even really knowing it. Facebook can be a great advertising opportunity, but once you decide to go on Facebook, you have to deal with it. Many firms have abandoned their pages, which is not without consequences. An abandoned page can be very bad for the image of the company, as customers are still having access to it. Unlike a magazine that you throw away, you can't easily erase something from the internet. That is why the job of community manager is so important, as someone has to control what happens on social media. A brand can't have a page full of complains, without reacting. So yes, FB can be good for reaching customers, but it has to be managed by a professional.

Unknown a dit…

Probably, its more important for a FMCG like Nutella to have a Fanpage. You will be reminded a few times a week about the product, and you won't forget to consum Nutella every morning.

For a product such as a car, which you don't buy every week, it's maybe not important to be called to your mind on FB.

So there is a difference between those 2 products. But there is a very important thing what GM should consider, when you see a page on FB and you press the like button, you feel closer to the brand. If your brand is not available on FB, some customers will maybe feel closer someday to a competitors' brand.
The goal is not to be considered as a brand anymore but to represent a lovemark.