Cats know it: the center of a residence, is where the fridge is. The kitchen has always been the heart of the home and the refrigerator has always been used to display family information (lists, kids drawings, reminders and pictures). With the new fridge by Samsung, the fridge becomes smarter : Web, Twitter, Pandora (musique), Epicurious, Google calendar, notes, weather...
Electrolux started with The Screenfridge in 1999. The Infinity i-Kitchen fridge was launched in Brazil by Electrolux. This is a fridge with GNU Linux OS and a touchscreen panel: calendar, notes, etc.
It is still far from the Internet of things : we need a fridge which calls for maintenance work and which manages the inventory... Domotics on its way.
Les boursiers scolaires au XIXéme siècle en France
Jean Le Bihan, *Bourses et boursiers de l'enseignement secondaire en
France. 1802-1914*, Paris, puf, 2024, 493 p. Bibliogr.
C'est le début d'une "vérita...
3 commentaires:
Je ne sais pas si cela pourrait avoir du succès en France... un peu trop éloigné de notre vision "traditionnelle"?
à quand un frigo qui nous dit quand il n'y a plus de lait, quand il faut racheter du beurre ou des oeufs?
I think it's a funny idea. You have the calender, shopping list and reminders in one single tool. Easy to manage. The only thing is: If you go shopping, you need a printed shopping list. So, you have to write it down again.
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